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In 1939, three branches of Methodists (Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Methodist Protestant Church), after years of study, planning, and compromise united in Kansas City, Missouri, to become The Methodist Church. Soon after, the Southeastern Jurisdiction was formed of which Alabama-West Florida is still a member. By 1940 the presidents of the women's organizations of the previous stand-alone branches also merged to become the Woman's Society of Christian Service (WSCS). Alabama-West Florida's organizational meeting of the WSCS was held in October of 1940 in Montgomery. Our first annual meeting was held in 1941 in Greenville, AL. The first conference-wide retreat was held. The first School of Missions (now Mission u) was held at Huntingdon College in 1954. In 1967, for the first time in its history of organized missionary work of women, the Alabama-West Florida Conference elected the president of the women's society as a delegate to the General Conference of The Methodist Church held in Dallas, Texas. Much has changed since 1940, but as Ruth Cloyd Robinson, author of A History of the Woman's Society of Christian Service and the Wesleyan Service Guild writes, "Methodist women of the Southeastern Jurisdiction will accept the past as prologue for greater achievements in the years that lie ahead. . . .we are called to heed the compulsive voice of the Master as He says, "Arise, let us be going.'"

2024 Mission Team

Debbie Bracewell

Vice President

Debbie Bell

Cynthia Brown

Deanie DeFelix

Mission Coordinators

Spiritual Growth
Katy Wrona

Education & Interpretation
Cynthia Jackson

Membership, Nurture & Outreach

Social Action
Joyce Genz

Desiree Clarke, chair
Melda Deveral
Elizabeth Arp
Francis Parker

Reverend David Graves

National Director
Betty Helms

SEJ Nomination Chair
Barbara Carroll

Dean, Mission u
Clara Ester


Cynthia Brown

Racial Justice
Marsha Clayton
Cynthia Jackson
Elizabeth Arp

Betty Helms



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